28 May:Mon went gai gai wif my darling lay khean, together wif miao hui too. Missed her lots... Hehe... She got o'level exams til 12 plus, den i got lesson til 1. So we met at 1.30 outside msl. Took bus go there den saw her at the bus stop. Weeee... Missed her lots... Den saw my co juniors too. Hehez... took pass den went take o'level cert, den go co see see. Hehez...
Long time never go co le, missed each and everyone. Hehez... But went for a while den go cwp le. Den reached le half way den realised didn't pass up the chinese project cd. Derr... Went back to sch again. We walk to cwp, take bus to msl, take bus to cwp, den walk to sch again. We nth better to do. Hahaz... Den so hot plus hungry...
We went to eat mac. Weee... We 3 of us so long never go out makan together le. Den we order student meals upsize 3 sets. Den put all the fries together and add chili. It looked like tis:

Hahaz... Den took alot of chili norx. Den cannot finished everything. Miao Hui la, say wan upsize. Hahaz... Actually i also wan de. Hehez... After eating mac, went shop shop a while. Bought a small lollipop key chain wif lay khean, den hang it on my hp. Den got tis sotong. Den i said "miaohui why u here", den she said "ai yo, pei kee why u beside me". Den I tell lay khean "lay khean, why u beside me huh?" Hahaz... So funny norx. Hehez... After tat jiu went home le. Had a fun day wif all of them. ~CNL~ That's my gang... Weee... =]
30 May:
My sch had co concert wif the band. Den 9.30 go sch practice. Haiz... Practice was like so lousy norx... Feeling bad... Den went to eat lunch den brought instruments to the hall. 2 went for pw meeting wif my teacher. Den waited for miao hui all tat is 3 le. Rehearsal started le. Haiz... The music was still bad, was very messy norx.
Prepared for the concert at 6, den keep practising. Ate pizza for dinner, teacher ordered one. But only ate 1 piece nia, coz no appetite. After tat, concert start lo. Band played few songs followed by us. Haiz... Some songs we played was like so messy, especially Canon in D. Arghh... But nevertheless, we completed our performances!!! Hahaz... Though some parts not very good, but still okie la. Hehez...
After tat jiu helped stack chairs bla bla bla... Den went home lo. Ate maggie mee at home. Hehez... Tml still got pw meeting. Haiz... Tis subject is really making me mad. Oh well, it's my fate. Hehez... Bye...
~Thanks lots for the little night... You are tired too... ^^~