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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Weeeee... Summer test finally over... Struggle for 3 days of test. And today was the worst of all. Had bio and geo both at the same time. Both need memorise work! Rahh...

Mon chems was screwed. No time to finish, guess I spent too much time on the mcq. Tough paper indeed, quite alot of questions don noe how to do. Haiz... 30 over marks were gone just like tat. Last question 20 marks, gone... Some questions left blank, gone... Haiz... Thought of scoring well for chem, yet don hav time to finish! Haiz...

Tues had a break, coz I'm not econs de. Hehez.... But still no use. Haiz... Mugging at maths but in the end, not very confident abt it. Got questions don noe how to do norx. Rahh... Haiz... I'm dumb, I'm stupid. Revise so much but still don noe how to do. Haiz...

Bio was quite ok. Essay forgot to write abt facilitated diffusion, osmosis bla bla bla... But overall think I will do well. Think only, maybe in the end results out den like derr... Geo was ok, but wrote wrongly abt island arcs. Haiz... Forget it ba. Guess I wun do well for this summer test. Time is precious even during exams. Haiz...

Had quite a long weekend from today onwards til mon. Coz tml no exams, only physics student. Weeee... Quite happy la. But after holidays will be hard work+hard work+extra hard work. Haiz... Lectures+tuitorial+all types of studies=madness. Hahaz...

Hope my 2 year of JC will be quickly over, ending wif a good A'levels. Haiz... I miss my sec sch life. -.-

Think we wun be like in the past few weeks le ba. Had been asking myself why, but couldn't derive the ans. Guess it's all fate ba.

~ { 7:43:00 PM }
*Hoping for the little hope*;

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Arghh... I'm running out of time. Haiz... Summer test, which is our mid-year, is coming le. After sch holidays is the start of chem & chinese paper 2. Haiz... So fast the holidays are going to be over. Humph...

Sadded la... Haven been using my holiday fully lei. Rahh... Slacking and slacking for the past 3 weeks and 3 days. Haiz... I will be doom for sure for tis summer test. Haiz... Summer test important lei, account for abt 40% for the promo end of tis year. Haiz...

I scared I will retain, scared I wun get promoted to J2 nxt year. Haiz... Really am afraid of my results and everything, especially my GEO!!! Haiz... Physical geo is so hard, human geo quite ok la. But also not very good at it. Scared... Rest of the subject still good.

Haiz... Stress!!! 4 more days will be my dead day. Haiz... Don noe wat to do le... Haiz... I'm scared of everything... =(

~ { 12:01:00 AM }
*Hoping for the little hope*;

Friday, June 15, 2007

Ytd was mslco outing. Actually not whole mslco la, jus some sections, but also not whole sections go. At 1st no mood go, coz darling lay khean cannot go. Her mama don allow her. Den only me alumni, so extra norx. But ytd miracles happened!!! 9 plus was out le. B4 tat asked her to go ask her mama. But she scared. Den tell her how to tell her mama again.

On the way to cwp on the bus, I received her sms. Saying she can go le. Weeee... I'm so happy worx... Damn happy!!! Hahaz... Weeee... Den meet 10 at cwp wif others. But den around 10.30 den set off. Coz gotta wait for others. Den jiu take 966.

Reached there around 12 plus. went eat mac, we sat 1 whole long table. Hahaz... Eat le went rent bike. 1st shop the uncle said 3 hours $5, den don wan, went the nxt one. Den $5 per head. Den ai ya... Alot of discussing, the kor kor also pek ceh us le. Den decided le jiu take our bike and gooo... But the 1st one cheaper. Derr... Me & lay khean rent a double bike, den kai jen and valerie rent another one.

We cannot go off norx. Lay Khean sit front, I sit at the back. Took some time b4 we go. And we were the last! Hahaz... Cycle was fun wif my darling. Hehez... Den took turns to swop places, but I'm sitting in front, cannot control the padel. Hahaz... Kena scolded by my darling. Den got 1 time is zhi kai sitting in front. Den we were competing wif ting leong and kai jen. Hahaz... So fast norx. Rahh...

Den 3.30 jiu return le. Den went beach walk walk. Sat down on the big rock, chit chatting wif my darling! Hahaz... After tat 4 plus went parkway parade de timezone wif darling to go take sth from her ahem. Hahaz... Den the timezone so big norx. More spacious than cwp de outlet, got new games than us there also. Hahaz...

5.30 take bus went home. Den 6 plus reached home. Kena scolded by my dad coz we promise 6 reached home ma. But 6.30 den went home. Rahh... No more outing le for tis year. Sobz... Sobz...

~Had a fun day indeed~ ^^

~ { 5:37:00 PM }
*Hoping for the little hope*;

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Weeee... Ytd went out gai gai to cwp wif my darling, lay khean!!! Hahaz... But she call me cha bo la. Hahaz... I was late!!! Woke up at 12 but our meeting was at 12.30. Den sms her asked her 1 meet, but she hungry, so meet 12.45. Den was abt to go out, my pw member asked me online send leader the file. Derr... So online and sent. But after finished sending, it areadi 12.45 le. -.- I rushed out of my home and was running coz the bus was there le. Luckily the bus driver waited for me. Hahaz...

Go breadtalk meet her, den scolded me sia. Tell me her story of waiting there, so funny norx. Hahaz... We go long john makan, den gai gai. Acc her buy present for her fren's bdae. Den she go inside IP zone wanted to buy jacket. Den hav to stop her coz got someone asked me a favour for him. Den we so funny norx. Was dragging inside the shop, den the sales woman saw us like don noe wat we were doing. Den asked her put back den hav to tell her the secrets. Hahaz... Sorry 'him' lei. Coz bo bian hav to tell her coz she was going to pay for it le!!

Den went timezone see see. But saw Din, auntie, uncle simon and gq nia. Missed them!!! Hehez... Den she go kj them. Hahaz... Den we went uncle tidbits buy things, went back again. Den walked around letting her introduce to them I'm her cha bo. Derr norx... Muahaha... She damn cute norx. Den tell gq abt their secret. Derrr....

After tat went buy bubble tea, bought honeydew milkshake ^^. My fav is honeydew!!! Hahaz... Den had girls talk while going back. I noe her secrets and she noe mine. Muahaha... Nxt time can threaten her. Hehez... Indeed very happy still got a good fren like her to talk to. We known for abt 8 years le. Weeee... Hope we will hav more wif mh too.

*Sorry la darling, nxt time wun "lie" to u le* ^.^

~ { 6:04:00 PM }
*Hoping for the little hope*;

Friday, June 08, 2007

Weee... Mon went to SAJC CO concert wif my 2 darlings. Hehez... Had so much fun... Me and wan er meet 1st, den went to msl mrt meet seng yie. After tat went cwp yoshinoya makan. Ordered a $3.50 full of potatoes. Got fries, den got other kinds tat are make of potatoes. At first, the taste was ok la. But eat more & more, den like so ni of the taste. Coz full of potatoes, den not nice.

Den after tat take 966. Saw zy and her fren, she also going to see the concert. She changed le. Changed alot le. The clothes, the shoes. Nu da shi ba bian... But she happy can le. Got eye contact wif her, but didn't say anything to her. Well, don noe how she felt at tat time also. Hmmm...

Was late for the concert norx. Coz the sch is like damn big. Hav to walk+run 1 whole round b4 we reached the back gate. Arghh... Den so hot norx. Reached the sch finally, luckily the concert haven start. Hehez... Den went in the auditorium, saw mslco de ppl. Missed them... Hehez...

Got quite alot of ppl there. Den start lo. The music was quite nice, but some songs not quite nice. Den prefer the music of mslco and mco more. Coz got the feelings and power tat can be felt from the music. Den like the "ju hua tai" & "qing tian", & the "To zanarkand". Very touching and nice, love it lots.

Around 9 plus end le. Den walked 1 big round again to the opp 966 bus stop. Den bus was so crowded, den no choice hav to stand. Den I no handle to hold, den cling onto seng yie's hand, or rather hold la. Hehez... Den chatted alot of things lei. Hehez...

After tat jiu got off at msl mrt. Walked home den waited for my sis b4 i can go home. Coz muz go home together. Hahaz... Hmmm... Overall enjoyed today. Especially the walking. Had alot of funnnn... Hehez...

*Muacks for the 2 of them* =]

Pics of tat day:

~ { 8:56:00 PM }
*Hoping for the little hope*;