MH came at 5 sth, den went to sch tgt. So excited! 1st was the ACES dance. Awww... I love the dance lots. Hahaz... We, taurus was the 3rd to dance. Den we were dancing with our strength. Den results. We were so nervous, den think we can only get 2nd or 3rd. But to everyone's surprise, we came in 1st. Weee... TAURUS!!!
After tat was celebrations with Ms tan, went back to our class and got lots of food, cakes too. Yummy~ Ate til so full, den went for the concert. Quite fun. Hehez... Den went to civic centre meet up with Wan er! Hahaz... So long since I saw her. Hehez... Went back msl tgt.
Saw quite alot of my juniors. My xiao xiao di! Waiting for his ahem, den kam ling, xin yu. Hahaz... All mslco de, missed them lots. Den teachers too, lots of them. After tat went up to NPCC room saw Mr seow. He took pics for us. Got abt 10+ girls there and we took our pics. So long since I saw them, missed 4M1-ers alot.
After tat we chat with Mr seow, he slim down le. After tat me and wan er went down to the canteen chat. Waiting for them coz they wan go cwp makan. But I didn't go coz very tired, some more no $. Hahaz... Saw my another best fren, Seng yie! Hahaz... So happy la.
Den took 913 to cwp, den went home. Sorry girls, can't go with u 2 to makan. Nxt time ba. Nxt time after all our promos we'll meet up and go out tgt. I promise! Hehez... Hmmm... Time really flies very fast. It's like 4m1 was jus ytd. But now, jus a blink of eyes and I'm going to sit for my promos to J2. Haiz... Fast fast fast!
Here's the pic: